I Watched from A Distance...

So, how do you do ministry well? I often see textbook examples of both how to do it and how not to. It’s a boots on the ground work. Recently I watched a minister in a smallish congregation. He moved about among the members, he asked about their children, about their health, about specifics in their lives. He met two new folks and connected with them. It was nothing short of amazing to witness this as a simple outsider. This man is not a superstar orator, he’s not got a wall filled with certifications and diplomas, when he stood to preach it was a simple explanation of the text. Yet this man is loved and beloved. As he would approach a person a grin would come across their face, children would run up and hug him, older ladies kissed his cheek, younger men pulled him in. I know the man. He has struggles. He is human. He is concerned about his future. He’s tired. He has an elder who is on his back all the time. Yet. He is a minister. He has the heart of a minister. The secret ingredient isn’t that secret - he loves these people and this work. He loves this God built, human influenced entity called the local church. He cares, he loves. And, while to a casual observer it may appear his work is easy, yes, he struggles, but he struggles positively. And, God loves him and his work. And while there are plenty of moments that he’d love to hear a word of thanks, someday he will hear the one word that will make the Work he does worthy of any sacrifice it requires: “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of your Lord.”  Well done, ministering brother. Thank YOU for all YOU do. I’m talking about you!
