
I talked to him, he told me how arrogant the ER Doctor was. I know ER Doc’s have a challenging job but there is no reason to be a jerk. But unpacking this a little more

But here’s what I know about Doctors. Not all, but most have spent their lives being the top student in every class they’ve been in. They are gifted intellectually. Most often they are exceptionally good students and to succeed they have to be driven. They have been told since they were young that they are the smartest person in the room. 

I know quite a few docs and what I’ve noticed is that not all of them are arrogant. I suggest they have to work hard at it. They have to make a decision they don’t want to be like the stereotype. They have to be intentional in their efforts to not be arrogant. And, I applaud those who make the decided effort. 

Some who preach face the same issue. You were born smart. You were the Bible answer guy in Bible Bowl, the first hand up in Bible class. You have a degree, no, degrees in the study and understanding of scripture, applying it, and speaking it. It may be that you can become arrogant. It may happen gradually or you may have been born with that predisposition. It could be that in your academic aloofness, social awkwardness, or a natural bent towards being introverted that is misinterpreted as arrogance. Regardless, like the good doc, you have to determine to reel it in. You have to make a decision for the sake of souls, for the sake of ministry, and for the sake of the church, you’ll go overboard to speak to others, to speak less of your own accomplishments, to tamper down on you and focus on others. 

After all, arrogance does not look good on any of God’s People (Proverbs 16:18; 6:16-19; James 4:6).

It may not be easy but it’ll keep you in this, speaking God’s Truths to others and to even more as you do. God bless your efforts to be the best for His Cause that you can be.
