You Did a BIG Thing Today

You did a big thing today. You stood before people and proclaimed Jesus, told who He is (“confessed Him before men”), spoke the Word of God, called people to remain faithful, to grow in the Faith once delivered to the saints, challenged some peoples thinking and other peoples living. 

You did a big thing. 

BUT you did a million other little things that are significant, some of which without them you could not do the big thing. You prayed a humble cry for help to do your best in speaking His Word. You helped set up a room, a system, the lighting, the sound, moved some chairs, something. You welcomed a guest and tried to connect with them. You hugged a toddler and high-fived another. You asked a teen how their season was going. You pulled a grieving one in close and told them you’d been praying for them. You inquired with someone about their health and the tests they had last week. You promoted an event. You encouraged an elder who has more on his plate than most folks could handle. You stood beside someone that others are throwing verbal stones at. You spoke kindly to someone who often does not of you. And you tried to do it all with grace and compassion. 

You did a big thing today that everyone saw. BUT you also did a million little things, most didn’t but God did see them all. And to Him, the little things are often BIG (Matthew 10:42; Luke 21:1-4; .

Thank you. 

Don’t quit. 
