Don’t Quit: Even On a Good Day **

So you’re in a good place! Yesterday went well. No worries. No big problems. You love it and they love you. While not perfect, your marriage is good. Your elders shepherd you well. The church is growing. The worship services are full of good. *

Congratulations. I don’t know if you are in the minority or the majority, but I do know I am happy for you and proud for the work you are doing. And, I know we are seeing this sort of good more and more. 

We write these posts each week to say, “don’t quit.” Our focus is often salvage work, support work, work pointed towards those who are struggling, who have one foot out the door, and are just waiting for a place to land, so they can jump. We write them for the person who with all their heart does not want to quit, never expected to find themselves there, but whose heart has been stepped on so many times, they are considering it. A dear friend, who is not a preacher but reads these asked me recently if all preachers struggle. Well, yes, I suppose at some point most all do. Paul did (see 2 Corinthians 4), Timothy did (2 Timothy 1:6-7), Peter did (Luke 24:54-62), maybe even Christ did (Matthew 26:36-46), our list could get long. 

But right now that is not you. Again, congratulations. We hope you this time lasts a long time and whether it is because of the good work you are doing, the good people you are working with, the leadership of the past, or simply because of the goodness of God, we hope you enjoy this time! And, to you we say “Don’t quit!” It’s easy to quit in a good time. To think you can do better at a “bigger and better place.” To believe you might succeed well in another field of work. To conjure up the notion that the reason things are good are more about you than others. To begin to trust your gut more than the Spirit’s Words. To run too fast and end up in trouble. To let your guard down and give into sin, sloth, or coasting. The get in a rut. To get bored and wind up in sin. To stop dreaming and doing. There are plenty of reasons one might quit in a good time. Don’t. You are needed. Thank you for your service and steadfastness. 

*If this does not describe your state right now. Remember to “rejoice with those who rejoice.” Do not let envy discourage you even more. Don’t you quit, take heart that better days may be ahead.

**Thanks to Dennis for sending me down this thought road.
