
You are a Servant of the Most High God. You have signed up to be in His Encumbrance. You have enlisted in His endeavor. You are inscripted into His Army. You are under His direction and protection. He is for you, in you, with you. He will not forsake you, leave you, abandon you. He will fight for you, with you, through you. He will equip you, train you, supply you, Take heart!

You have His angelic forces behind you. You march forth into a battlefield where the ultimate outcome has already been determined - His forces will win. The battle will be hard, and at times it may just appear that the adversary is winning. he isn’t. he won’t. he can’t. Fear not!

You are a foot soldier in the greatest Army that has ever been. And you know the most delicate part of a soldier is his feet. Yours are covered with the Gospel, no wonder even as a soldier at war you have beautiful feet. Your mission is not to destroy the enemy and risk civilian casualties, the Lord will destroy Him at His coming with the brightness of His Glory. He is proud of you His servant. Rejoice!

Quit? Quit?

How? Why?

The battle is His, and ours. Let us sound the noise of victory, the Good News that He conquered death.
