A Holy Man of God

This week, it was a blessing to help honor the life of a great man of God. Hundreds of people gathered to show our love for his family and our appreciation for how he touched our lives, individually and collectively.

My text for the occasion was 2 Kings 4:8-9. “Now, a day came when Elisha went over to Shunem, where there was a prominent woman, and she urged him to eat food. And so it was, as often as he passed by, that he turned in there to eat food. And she said to her husband, “Behold now, I am aware that this is a holy man of God passing by us repeatedly.” 

Surely, it was not accidental that Elisha came to visit this home often. He was busy with the Lord’s work, and he no doubt needed a place to refresh, recharge, and refuel. Every preacher understands this need. God knew that Elisha needed this family and that this family needed Elisha.

My friend was a holy man of God who was needed by many of us in this world. Everyone who knew him and who spent time with him would give thanks for this holy man of God passing by us repeatedly.

Dear brother, if you are preaching the Word of God if you are ministering to God’s people, and if you are touching lives because of your faithfulness to Him, please know that you are a holy man of God. When you are weary, please allow God’s people to refresh, recharge, and refuel your heart. Thank you for everything you do for Him. Thank you for being a holy man of God.
