Growing up in central Illinois, summertime brought beautiful corn and bean fields everywhere you looked.  We would play hide and seek, maybe even choosing to hide in the corn or bean fields.  One can become so turned around in a cornfield because you cannot see the light at the end of the rows for the leaves are so thick.   It can happen so easily.

Not far from my little community, my parents told me that a little boy was lost in one of his parent’s corn fields. They could not find him! He was lost, he was in the dark, he was among predators, he was alone! Just him being in the dark was enough for me. There were people frantically looking for him. I do not remember how many hours or days had passed until one could see this bright light shining straight up into the sky from miles away. I asked.” Why is that big light out there?” My parents told me it was so the little boy would see the light and hopefully walk towards it to find his way home. He did make it home! Don’t you know that there were so many tears shed and hugs and kisses given over his return?

We are to be that light! We are to let our light shine so that those who are lost, in the darkness of sin, amongst the cruelest predator, and are alone without Christ can see the Father and glorify Him. We have a responsibility to love others and share the gift of salvation with them, just as it was shared with us in our darkest hour. When one comes to The Light or returns to The Light there is great rejoicing just as there was when the little boy found his way back home. Remember, when you get discouraged, that the church and teaching others about salvation is bigger than any one of us. People are rejecting the one who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” John 14:6. That should bring us the greatest sadness.  Continue to help others Follow THE LIGHT!


Maryanne Vansandt—Adamsville, TN
