Called to Support

Thirty years ago in December, I married a sweet boy whose plan was to become a youth minister. As a matter of fact, he had already begun working with an area church so we jumped right in and we’ve never known married life without being in ministry.  We embraced this wonderful life the Lord had led us to and it was a great little life but soon the busy-ness of youth ministry caught up with me. Satan was ready with his tool of discouragement. I don't remember if there was anything specific that happened other than feeling a bit overwhelmed by the expectations which, looking back, I probably put on myself.  I remember one night at church, I caught our pulpit minister's wife in the hallway and started unburdening myself on her.  She was kind and had been about this "business" a whole lot longer than me so I knew she'd have lots of words of wisdom she could impart and soothe my young heart.  I was sure we shared the same sentiments. What she said surprised me and has stuck with me so many years later.  When I asked if she ever felt burdened by being a minister's wife, she answered "Well, no, I really don't.  Oh sure, there are times of discouragement and times I wish I didn't have to share him so much but I realized a long time ago that the Lord called me to support him. No one else could fill that role the same way I can  so I look at being a minister’s wife as my way of serving God. It’s been a blessing to me.”  Her answer completely changed my perspective.  If I chose to see my role as a burden rather than a blessing, then that’s what I would become.  Oh, I’m not saying that there have not been hard days or discouraging days but I suppose that comes with about anything you do for a living. I’m thankful for that sweet lady and our encounter that evening.  With her words, she made me a better minister’s wife and possibly, a better wife in general. 

  • Michelle Tillman,

  • Nashville, TN
