Maple Hill Church of Christ - Preaching Minister

Church: Maple Hill Church of Christ

Position: Preaching Minister

City/State: Benton/KY

Attendance: ?


Contacts: Allen Carmichael / 270-970-3215 or Joe Draffen / 270-252-4469.

Preferred Start Date: March 2024.  

Description: Maple Hill church is looking for a full-time pulpit minister. “We are looking for a sound, motivated, and outgoing man who will help edify the congregation, reach out to the lost by assisting with visits, Bible studies, correspondence courses, and other ways of spreading the Gospel in our community. We would want to continue to air our radio program each Sunday morning.” They are looking for someone who will teach and preach on Sundays and teach on Wednesday nights. Maple Hill is a rural congregation located near Benton, KY. Experience with TV, Radio Programs, Podcasts, Internet, and Electronics would be helpful. Maple Hill supports 3 mission works in Indonesia, South Africa, and India. They currently support students attending preaching schools at; MSOP in Memphis, TN. and BTSOP in Bedford, TX..  Please send your resume and if you have sermon videos.

Date Posted: 1/16/24