His Mercies are New Every Morning

I’m sure I am not alone when I say the words “it’s been one of those weeks”.  Can anyone relate?  Weeks where you might have said yes to one to many things.  A week where you feel like you are just making it to the next thing on the list.  Where you look back and evaluate what all you committed to wasn’t healthy, wise, or even possible to do.   I think we all find ourselves in this situation from time to time. We find ourselves wanting to say yes to all the things we see as important in the role of a preacher’s wife, while overextending ourselves to the point we lose the joy.

In those moments, when we see that our expectations of ourselves were a bit lofty, it is such a blessing to draw strength from His word.  I love the passage from Lamentations 3:22-23.  “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.” (ESV).

In moments of feeling overwhelmed and physically spent, God’s love for me never ceases.  Stop. Breath. Take it in.  God’s love for you will never cease to exist.

In our bad days, stresses of life, and times of ungratefulness, God’s mercy never ends!  Each morning is a new day in which we are renewed through the mercy, God has so graciously given us.

Even though our limitations are real and our expectations are sometimes too much, our “hope in him” is what sustains us.  

Praying this week that you soak in the new mercies God has blessed you with!

~Natalie Morris, Spring Hill TN
