A Treasured Role

I love being a preacher’s wife.  I loved being a “preacher’s kid.”  God put me in the best family growing up and with the best man when I married.


Now don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t always easy in both situations!  You live in a fishbowl – everyone seems to know everything that is going on in your family. . . BUT it is a great life.


As a preacher’s wife you are afforded a lot of opportunities other wives aren’t.  When another woman needs counsel, you are there.  When teaching opportunities open up, you are there.  When a trauma or tragedy occurs, you are privileged to bring peace and comfort.  When someone is angry about a decision made, you are the one who brings reasoning, peace and understanding.  There are so many wonderful and helping situations you are available to.


Bill and I have always approached ministry as a team.  He believes the gospel is the only power to salvation and so do I.  He believes that preaching without being there for people diminishes the effectiveness of the message of Christ, and so do I.  He believes that a loving family is a powerful help in the mission to which God has called every Christian, and so do I.  He believes that ministry is not a career – it’s a life-choice, and so do I.  I want to invite you to embrace that wonderful life.


Every night when you lay your head on your pillow, thank our Father for all the doors He has opened for you.   Pray that every door opened will allow you to show His love, peace, comfort, grace, mercy, strength, and forgiveness.


Being a preacher’s wife isn’t always easy, but being a preacher's wife is the best blessing.


Always look up.  Always look out.  Never lose heart.  Never give up.  You are a treasured daughter of the Father.


With love from my heart to yours,


Bev, Nashville, TN
